Solarator® generated 90% renewable energy throughout deployment

Case Studies

Black Stump Technologies worked with Symal to deploy a first-generation Solarator® Fold-Out 8 in Pakenham. Our renewable energy solution replaced a 44 kVa diesel unit with 2000L aux fuel cell and has supplied an average of 90% renewable energy during its 6-month deployment. As a result of implementing Black Stump Technologies' evidence-based methodology when replacing diesel with renewable energy, Symal avoided emitting more than 41,000 kgs of carbon and saved around $38,000 in operating costs in only 6 months. 

For more information about our range of Solarators®, download this brochure now. 

FO8 in Pakenham
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FO8 in Pakenham
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FO8 in Pakenham
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FO8 in Pakenham
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