Custom Solarator mortuary used in Papua New Guinea hospital

Case Studies


ANGAU Memorial Hospital is one of the largest hospitals in Papua New Guinea that provides critical medical services for the city of Lae and its neigbouring residents.

Key challenge:

In 2018, the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and CPB Contractors began to redevelop the hospital increasing its medical capacity and ancillary services. However, essential services like a mortuary cannot operate on an unreliable grid connection during renovation.

Solarator® solution:

Black Stump Technologies developed a world first technology for 100% off-grid and hybrid- solar powered custom mortuaries in 2017, funded by the Australian government.

This has led to manufacture and deployment in remote communities such as Papua New Guinea that do not have stable power supply during disasters. Using our custom Solarator®, the project was estimated to save more than $48,000 per annum in fuel costs alone and avoid up to 58,000 kgs of carbon from being emitted

During the COVID-19 crisis, this Australian-made Solarator® technology was mobilised to help the health sector in urban and regional areas.

Project wins:

  • Dignity for the deceased and family
  • Easy-to-transport mortuary that works 24/7 in all conditions
  • Redeployed to another community after project completion ensuring ROI


Download our brochure to know more about our range of sustainable cooling solutions and solar-powered commercial generators. We can also design a custom solution for unique power consumption or refrigeration needs.

Custom Solarator® slightly open revealing mortuary configuration
Custom - PNG - case study article 1
Custom Solarator® mortuary being transported on a flatbed truck
Custom - PNG - case study article 2
Aerial view of Custom Solarator® mortuary onsite
Custom - PNG - case study article 3