Solarator Fold-Out 50+ kVa replaced traditional diesel at Barwon, VIC

Case Studies


Symal was commissioned to deliver a community infrastructure project involving the Chisholm Road Prison Precinct.

Key challenge:

Replace costly and noisy diesel generator to power temporary site huts, first aid facility and toilet blocks.

Solarator® solution:

Black Stump Technologies worked with Symal to deploy a first-generation Solarator® Fold-Out 50+ kVa. Our clean energy generator replaced a 44 kVa diesel unit with 2000L aux fuel cell and has supplied an average of 90% renewable energy during its 6-month deployment. As a result of replacing diesel genset with Solarator®, Symal saved up to $32,000 per annum on fuel costs and avoided emitting up to 100,000 kgs of carbon annually.

Project wins:

  • Quiet and reliable operations
  • Comfortable workers camp
  • Minimal labour required to deploy and stow solar arrays
  • Performance data used for ESG compliance and strategic business decisions


For more information about Solarators®- our range of commercial diesel generator replacements, download this brochure now. 

FO8 in Pakenham
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FO8 in Pakenham
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FO8 in Pakenham
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